What are primary things that a professional corporate company website should have?

  • By Admin
  • July 17, 2019
  • 0 Comment

When it comes to establishing a business, getting an online portal has become a necessity than a luxury with more and more people gravitating towards online shopping. It is therefore imperative for you to build a brand name and create a strong brand image on the online platform.

As a growing or established corporate you need to have everything that will grab the attention of the readers and helps you to sustain their interest for a longer term. Corporate brand building is not just about creating a logo that reaches the masses. There are many other elements that go hand in hand to ensure its success.

Here are a few things that you want on your website to make it on top of the searched sites online.

Home page/landing page

This is the first page that your customer sets their eyes upon and you have about 5 seconds to grab their attention. As it is commonly known you have to create the best first impression in order to build a long standing loyal relationship with your customers. When it comes to grabbing attention, there are a couple of factors which play a crucial role.

The design of the website which has to grab the attention and also match with the expectations of the customers. It should be simple to understand and yet unique among the peers. It should entice and excite in order to keep up the interest.

It is not enough if the design is good, it is equally important for the website to be responsive. A good design is of no use if the visitor has to wait for a long time for the page to load or respond to a query. You need the website loading time and the response time to be amazingly fast. You can check the speed of your website using tools like gtmetrix.

We offer you eye catchy design and a back-end development that will match perfectly in sync with the design offering unbelievably faster response and loading times.


Your home page or the landing page has grabbed the attention but how will you keep the attention fastened on your web page? This is where the content has a huge importance. You need to provide your customers with the right information and also a clear idea on what you have on offer for them.

People need to know what you specialize in and how different it is to work with your solutions to stay longer with you.

You should also share information through social media on the latest happenings in the industry and other important tips that will help them. This will further garner attention towards your website.

It is also important that your website is SEO friendly in terms of content, design, captions and in every other element. And this needs to be constantly revisited to make sure it is in line with the latest trends.

We offer you assistance in developing and marketing your content through multiple forums and over multiple platforms. The content is constantly updated to keep up with the changing market, technology and evolving customer perceptions.

Social media

It is undeniable that social media has a big influence in building brands and if you are looking to improve the presence of your brand online, you need to ensure that you create a strong following on social media. The management of social media involves not just constant updates on what you do, but active interaction with customers, engaging with them on a personal level and much more.

Mobile apps

Having a website is anybody’s game, but how do you make sure that you stand out? Of course there is the design and the backend programming that works in tandem with the design. But there is much more to a website for business than just the codes and design.

Being in a world that is highly driven by smart phones and tablets now, people are more responsive to brands that they can access through their smart devices. You wouldn’t want to be carrying a laptop or PC everywhere you go, but you would definitely have your smart phone handy. This is where the mobile app developments come in handy.

Developing a mobile app that is accessible through the different smart devices is the smartest way to build your brand online. And we can help you do the same in the most professional manner using the latest technology that suits your business aptly.

Compatible websites

Not everyone would want to download an app as it could be a clutter on their phone. The other solution is that they will access your website online from their smart devices. This is where many different websites struggle to cater to consumers. When a website is accessed through a smaller screen, say mobile or a tablet, not all the design and content are visible and accessible.

You need a website that offers the same performance, same design, same appeal and same content, no matter where it is accessed from. You have to check if the website you have built is accessible and offer the same experience to consumers on a smart phone as it does on a PC or laptop. It should load on time, without any errors or delays and ensure a smooth journey for the visitor or buyer.

We build websites that are not just bespoke in design and coding, but that which will enhance and enrich the experience of your consumers across various platforms including mobile phones and tablets.


Have you ever wondered why we speak of sitemaps on websites? Well, it is not just making life easy for customers but it can also help in boosting your SEO. Sitemap on a website has the list of all pages in your website with a link that takes you directly to them. Again there are two different kinds, the one for users, which is the visually available sitemap that they use for navigation and the other is generally in the form of an XML document for the crawlers from Google and other search engines.

If you are still worried on how to build one for your website, leave the job to the professionals in our team, who will guide you in the right direction and help you find the right pages for including in sitemaps.

Placing CTA

Call to Action (CTA) is as important a tab as any other in a website. Whether you are offering a service or you are selling a product, you need your consumers to get in touch with you. It could be for an enquiry or to buy the service/product offered.

The button that you see on most websites which says “Sign up” or “Buy now” is a typical example on how this looks like. This button or the tab is what converts a definitive lead/ potential customer into a customer. And it is not enough to have just one or two of them here and there. They need to be included in many places and have to be placed strategically too to ensure that they are effective.

Checking broken links

If you have been browsing through pages, there would have been times when you have encountered the error code “404: Page not found”. Well, this is because you have clicked on a broken link.

As a website, you would have many external links included into your content. As time passes by, some of these links may become obsolete or change into a different domain and so on. In such cases, when the user clicks on these links, it will throw the error 404 or the “Page not found”. Imagine being a customer and encountering this error when you are almost convinced to buy the product. You will be greatly disappointed. That is why you need to exclude all such links on a periodic basis and make sure that your customer has a smooth experience.

There are many online tools available which you can use to check for broken links. But hiring a professional service provider will make sure that your links are constantly updated and your customers are never disappointed with broken links.

Apart from the above, you also need to make sure that you have a dedicated page that gives out your valid contact information. You can have an official email id which is redirected to your other mail where you can access and answer customer queries and inquiries diligently.

It is our panacea to develop holistic solutions that encompasses all of the above and more in order to make way for the perfect brand building experience for you and your customers.

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